How to learn English by listening to music

One of the most suggested tips for learning or improving English is to listen to music, as it is entertainment that everyone likes, and seek to know what the songs speak. But how can I not make mistakes and really learn English with music? See our tips:

Discover a music tool to get acquainted

There are those who like to listen to music with the clip on YouTube or Video, and who likes audio only, as in Spotify – where you can follow the lyrics together through Musixmatch. The important thing is to choose a tool that can be used several times a week and in the most different situations, such as in the bus, in the interval of the college, in the lunch of the company, etc.

Choose songs that are well pronounced

The good thing about music is that there is colloquial language and use of expressions and slang. But opt for those in which English is correct – a rap or heavy metal, for example, may not be the best styles to fully understand what is spoken.

One option is to start with Disney songs and other children’s songs, to understand the language as pronounced as possible. Or with romantic pop, as musicians sing more slowly and with frequent repetitions of words and phrases (which is great for absorbing them!).

If possible music with voice and guitar only, where there are not many musical instruments to compete with the grammatical interpretation. Searching for famous songs with covers is a great choice.

Browse lyrics on specialized websites

There are several websites that offer song lyrics. Some examples: Letras.mus.brVagalume and Musixmatch. Always listen to the songs by following what they say to associate what you read with the correct pronunciation.

If you have time, have a white sheet next to it and after listening to the song for the first time write down the words that are unknown and start a list of vocabularies that you can read from time to time.

When there is doubt in a word, search for its meaning

Do not get hit by a phrase you do not understand. There are dictionaries on the Internet of English-Portuguese, but the best thing is to search for those who speak the meaning in English – explaining in the language itself what the word means (another chance to become familiar with the language).

We give you the Linguee online dictionary, which in addition to bringing you the individual meaning of each word, also works expressions and cultural insertions! it’s worth it, check it out!

Sing together

That part is essential! When you sing aloud, accompanying with the written lyrics, pronounce well and better absorb what is said. Even if you have difficulties in the beginning, persist! After a while, it will sing right (and will speak English better than before). This will help greatly to unlock the tongue, to train the accents, to lose the shyness and to make my brain listen to itself, identifying in the future grammatical errors in advance. Let yourself go!

Search for new songs

Do not settle for a single song. Always search for more letters to learn and discover new words and expressions! Make a list with different rhythms, slow for comprehension, quick to practice pronunciation, paced, venture out! Create a playlist with at least 50 songs and go alternating study and fun for a while until they all begin to be recognized and comfortable to sing! Believe me, it works!

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